Strategic Fertility

Text or Call 833.315.6656 | [email protected]

Answers for Your Fertility Discovery Call

1 hour Concierge Telehealth Zoom in All 50 States

Here's what to expect in your call:

In Depth Fertility and Health History

This first step in our process is based on the understanding that your health is as unique as your fingerprint. We’ve carefully crafted this part of our service to help us understand your story, and what your body is communicating. This assessment gives us the keys to unlock the mysteries of your fertility. (normally $147)

Fertility Pathways & Toxicity Analysis

This next step is where myself and my team peel back the layers to understand your story and find what's holding your body back from its natural state of fertility. This process allows us to go beyond the surface and get right to the heart of what matters in your fertility. (normally $197)

1:1 Functional Fertility Consultation

I developed this approach initially for Morgan, a patient who was given a 0% chance without IVF and she now has 2 healthy baby girls conceived naturally. It has since become my mission to empower as many women to overcome infertility as possible. (normally $297)

Total value: $641

Today's price: $37


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Need help? Text us at 833.315.6656 or email us at
[email protected]

Strategic Fertility offers Fertility Concierge Telehealth in all 50 States.

See What Other Mamas Are Saying

Real Women + Real Results



Pregnant in the fourth month!

I sought out Angela after our miscarriage and she got my body to a place where I felt confident to try again…and I got pregnant in the fourth month! It was Christmas morning when we found out and the best present I could’ve ever asked for!! I loved, loved working with Angela! – Erika M.



I got pregnant right away

I had always gone to very Western medical doctors, and while they were great, I wasn't getting the support that I needed. Angela was the only person that ever sat down with me to look at where I was deficient, so we could see where I should spend my time and energy. And I got pregnant right away! – Caitlin S.



After 3 short months we were pregnant!

Before we met Angela we struggled for 3 LONG trying to get pregnant, and it was so frustrating…When we found Angela she pinpointed the specific deficiencies that were throwing off my ovulation. She identified things that my doctors and natural doctors didn't know about, and I would’ve never known about on my own… and after 3 short months we were pregnant! – Alisha C.



Pregnant after 3 months

My husband and I were trying to get pregnant on our own for 4 years. We found out I had a Prolactinoma tumor and the doctors gave me a 1% chance of conceiving naturally. They said IVF was my only option. I reached out Angela as my last hope before starting IVF, and I'm so glad I did!! I was able to get pregnant after 3 months, completely naturally. Nichole

Strategic Fertility

Call or text us at (833) 315-6656 or [email protected]

11341 National Blvd #1111 Los Angeles, CA 90026