Strategic Fertility


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Thursday May 23rd at 6pm PST (9pm EST)

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Real Women + Real Results


From a heartbreaking miscarriage to healthy pregnancy 4 months later.

It gave me a lot of hope knowing that once I start the supplements, my body can get to a place where I could have a baby again... It was just nice to talk with Angela, and she got me to a place where I felt confident enough to try again. She was awesome. I loved, loved working with her.


Emotional and spiritual support from women that really understand wherever you are in your journey.

I'll never forget that first session, I had just met Angela, she sat down with me, looked me in the eyes, heard my story and she cried with me. She's the only person that's ever sat down with me to really look at where am I deficient and where am I doing well, versus just kind of giving a blanket supplement. But I think what really stands out to me is the emotional and spiritual support that I got from Angela and her team. And I got pregnant like right away!


From uncertainty and overwhelm to clarity and confidence.

I feel like I'm really giving myself the best best chance to get pregnant and to have the family that we ultimately want. The best part of this whole environment is that I really just feel like I have a family here supporting me.


After a miscarriage she was put on Clomid, Tamoxifen and Letrozole for over a year and none of them worked.

Then she found Dr. Angela and got pregnant with their little rainbow girl 3 months later.


From “1% Chance” diagnosis to pregnant within 3 Months

We’d been trying to get pregnant unsuccessfully for 4 years… the Endocrinologist gave me a 1% chance of getting pregnant on my own. This was our last chance of getting pregnant before going into IVF. I got pregnant within 3 months of working with Angela in the fertility program! 

Strategic Fertility

Call or text us at (833) 315-6656 or [email protected]

11341 National Blvd #1111 Los Angeles, CA 90026